Preetam Raj


who are the brave ones?

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Brave, who exactly is a brave person? The ones which are being portrayed in the movies with their beyond-human will power, or the ones jumping buildings,fighting bulls etc?
I changed my own perception towards the definition of bravery after the sequence of event that were being followed for last two days. One of my classmate, and also my former lab partner’s elder brother passed away. Tragic incident, people usually breakdown under these situations, but this guy what standing out of all the ordinaries.
Today when I went for the exam, I saw him sitting, preparing himself for the test as well. When I asked him what is he doing here, shouldn’t he be at home, supporting his parents through tough times like this. What shook me was his answer. This kid isn’t among the smart blokes from our college, a guy who barely passes out and makes to the end semester exams. And the same person told me, “My brother is gone and he is not coming back, and my parents sent me here , I don’t see any reason of going back now.” He did not flicker, did not cry. And for the moment left me there, spellbound.
Now while reading this you might as well can relate to many people, people fighting cancer and attending exams, great personalities and their struggle. But how many of them did you actually meet. This guy sure wasn’t great.
I take this opportunity of knowing human emotions, how strong and weak they are at times, how a human life can inspire other. Now there sure will be hard times for him as well as me and anyone for that matter and we will question our faith once again. But today, for the moment I feel lucky to be there asking him the exact question and hear him out. It has created a dent in my life.
There are tough times, things fails. But there is a saying, “Pain is inevitable , But the suffering is optional”. Thank you Parmod Kumar Shresta, sure our prayers will always with you, but you are beyond any need of one. You’re literally above it.

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